Tuesday, December 13, 2011

PD December 13

Announcements from Watson about building plans.

Jones made announcements about the grade window.

We then broke up for our tech PD. I went to work on my Donor's Choose project.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

PD December 6, 2011

Mr. Watson began the meeting by introducing steps for CFAs (Common Formative Assessment/Assignment)

He went over the objectives and several steps and we discussed each.

In step one, there was concern about mastery as well as valuing instruction that is outside the "power standards."

In step two, he clarified a common rubric (or it could be a checklist) to be used as a common assessment. There was a conversation about whether or not homework would be an appropriate form of assessment.

In steps three, four and five we will look at student work collectively and discuss results. Concern was expressed about pacing and the use of CFA data/results. How we will adjust and perfect the strategy.

We then moved into department meetings to work on CFA #2.

Mrs. Jones brought us back together in the library and thanked Mr. Oakes and everyone for a smooth fundraiser distribution. December the 8th, grade window opens, December 16th it closes. CST testing and Physical Fitness test, March 6th and 7th seventh grade writing exam. A weekly communication will return to let people know what's happening.

Mr. Watson announced that next Friday is a minimum day as well as the faculty luncheon. There was a discussion of calendaring minimum/shortened days. Make sure you secure your room for winter break. After school tutoring is available for students in math and English. Please encourage students to attend. There is a meeting tonight about the construction at Uni.

Mr. Morrison announced the boys' football team's participation in the City Finals.

Ms. Nakada made UTLA announcements. And then we broke into grade level groups to discuss grade level activities.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

November 11 PD


Ms. Nagle: Jamba tickets are in boxes
Field Trip with Communities in Schools to the Vet's Holiday celebration Saturday from 11:00 - 3:00.
Mr. Watson: alcohol has been found on campus. Please be vigilant about tagging and confiscate any tag books or tags written in class.

We then broke into departments for CFA Analysis and then met back in the Parent Center to review data and analyze how we can better meet the needs of our EL students.

Meghan went over a circle square triangle reflection method.

Circle: new ideas will stick AROUND a while.

Square: knowledge that SQUARES with what you already know.

Triangle: POINTS will stick with you

We then looked at data showing how wide-reaching our EL population really is. We then looked at our EL rosters to identify who our IFEP, RFEP and LEP students, reclassification dates, CELDT scores, EL levels and program.

We then had a snowball fight with our circle, square, triangle, STAR (she added that curve in at the last minute). It was good times.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

PD on Nov. 15, 2011

Okay, so here we are in the Parent Center for our meeting.

Ms. Jones started with a debrief of our Emergency Drill. She distributed several documents and reviewed several of the concerns. She reminded us that if there is an emergency during a break or passing period students are to report to their ET teacher locations.

Then Nurse Claire addressed safety plans for both school and home. Things to keep in mind: water, food, medication and flashlights. She reviewed procedures for search and rescue and reminded us we might be here for up to 72 hours. Debate ensued.

Mr. Perez then passed out a paper about emergency preparations and went over it FOREVER...

Mr. Watson let us know that we will do drills monthly for "protection" or lock down, fire drill and earthquake.

There is hope for a music program because of a donation through the foundation.

Mr. Watson reminded teacher to turn in textbook check-out documentation.

We then broke out into departments to briefly check-in on CFAs. Bring student work on Step-Up to possibly focus on expository of a six sentence paragraph. Topic is up to the teacher.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

PD on Nov. 1, 2011

Today we met in the Parent Center... kind of a change of pace.

UTLA announcements: West Area Meeting tomorrow, our site meeting is on Thursday, during lunch. There were a few additional announcements and if you have discussion points, please bring them to the meeting Thursday.

Mr. Watson then introduced himself and gave some initial impressions of Emerson. In discussions with students, they are generally happy being here. From parents, it is a unique situation. "You have a school that the community gave up on and now they want their school back." He believes we can be an 800 API school... He's noticed a nice rapport amongst teachers and students, so we can move them and he is trying to figure out how to balance parents wants and teachers' abilities to do their work. He'd love for teachers to fill out the survey so he has an idea of what we want Emerson to be and how we can get on the same page and move in the same direction. Please be candid as names are optional. He has concerns about certain numbers (attendance rates, AYP, API) and he has to be concerned with those, but he also wants to see the relationships in our classrooms and high levels of thinking from our students. Department chairs

We then moved into department meetings. English discussed SPA due dates for narrative. Lily presented her argument for making the SPA consumable and then shared her SPA analysis.

These are the novels we've taught:
7th Bound, I Juan de Pareja,
8th The Outsiders 8th,  The Cay,
Plans on: Call of the Wild, Shakespeare Stealers, Tangerine, Enrique's Journey

Greaney: 7th: I, Juan de Pareja, 8th, The Outsiders

Nakada: 6th The Misfits, 8th The Outsiders, 6th Mythology, 8th Three Cups, 6th Tuck Everlasting, 8th The Glory Field, 6th Esperanza Rising, 8th Midsummer Nights Dream

Cruz: 6th: Julie of the Wolves, Tuck Everlasting, IHP Julie of the Wolves, The Misfits
7th: The Outsiders, Johnny Tremain

Fraser: 6th: Julie of the Wolves but needs 80 copies, Esperanza Rising, maybe The Misfits?

Parker: 8th The Outsiders, The Glory Field, Anne Frank, for advanced ESL: Esperanza Rising and The Outsiders

Berman: 7th The Lightning Theif, I, Juan de Pareja, Shakespeare Stealer

We will meet for our next meeting in Mary's in 127.

The end.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

PD October 25, 2011

I'm writing this after the fact because, mysteriously, blogger was blocked in the computer lab.

Today for PD we met in the computer lab.

Our interim principal, Ms. Kaye, clarified the enrollment counts we need to post in our classrooms.

Then Ms. Jones thanked us for our hard work on the emergency drill. A more formal debrief will be scheduled.

Our Emerson MS homepage.
We then broke into two groups. Nathan led a group in the Mac Lab on pod-casting. Heather led a group through the Emerson website so people could update their pages. There was much updating (my page is somewhat improved thanks to stealing a couple of Heather's links) and Hastings (or is it Hasting?) finally got logged in and changed his password so that he could do absolutely no changes to his paltry site.

A debate on school colors and uniforms ensued and there was much discussion about words that rhyme with Nakada: Would you like some ricotta on your ciabatta as you dance the lambada in Ensenada?

Overall, it was actually more productive than it sounds. Check out Emerson's site, if you don't believe me.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

October 18, 2001 SDAIE Review

We met in grade levels and then rotated through groups reviewing SDAIE learning and methodology.

I started with seventh (awesome), eighth (quite incredible) and sixth (very collaborative). We made tree maps with the content on top and how we provide connections, comprehensibility and interactions.

With Ms. DeLuna, we reviewed the different EL levels: beginning, intermediate, advanced. There was also candy and a baby.

With Ms. Schooler, we reviewed language structures: how to provide starters and other frames so students can get what they know on paper. She gave candy too.

Apparently, Ms. Nakada's session was the worst: no candy and no baby.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Ms. Price started the meeting in the library by explaining some of our rights under SBM. She wants to make sure that we have established shared decision-making. We discussed the importance of having a functioning SBM and committees prior to a new principal coming on board.

Then Ms. Nagle clarified procedures with the Jamba Juice people~

I made some UTLA announcements, reviewed the principal selection process and encouraged attendance. We discussed how teachers can ensure their voices are heard in this process. There is the potential for upcoming actions for take-over.

In a brief discussion of professional literature circles, there seems to be a lot of momentum for this in the future.

Ms. Vibbert from the PD committee then announced what we want from our PD.

Ms. Schooler explained some of calendaring procedures and how to schedule/communicate upcoming events.

Ms. Cruz let everyone know about the upcoming assembly on The Bully Project. It will be held Friday periods 4, 5 and 6.

We then got into department meetings and filled out the PD interest survey.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

PD 10/4/11

Our meeting has just started.  It's 1:55 pm.  Ms. Jones is discussing Back to School Night.  We will be given rosters for parents to sign in and name tags for the teachers.  The faculty is in a good mood and making jokes about the evening.  I must say this is a nice atmosphere for a staff meeting.  We are only giving cooperation and work habits grades for X-period.  We put "N" for x-period since it is a non-graded class. For ET, we input an "M" for meets standards.  This always seems to confuse everyone.

Mr. Oakes is now talking about the uniform policy and how we can check the students' uniforms during the Pledge of Allegiance.  I personally plan to salute our flag and give our country the respect it deserves; however, I will make sure to check their uniforms when they enter my room.  This is meant in the most positive way possible.  We are to send students to the counseling office with a note to change their clothes.

Ms. Price is updating the staff about the principal selection process.  Tonight starts the interviews.  Out of 21 candidates, we have narrowed the field down to 6.  Now we move on to interviews.  Ms. Price is only here for 2 more weeks before she is leaving.  She is letting us know that there are some things that are not quite right here and that new principals will change anything that is not in compliance with the district.  She will let us know what those things are so we can be ready for any change.  In theory, at the UTLA meeting on Thursday we should know who the top 3 candidates are.  The community forum is scheduled for October 11th or 12th at 6pm.

Jamba Juice fundraiser is on October 12th during lunch on the North Field.  Students can preorder and prepay their smoothie order.  Now we are talking about tech requests - Abe is able to help with tech problems.

Now we are going to breakout sessions......The three breakout sessions are: Computer lab certification, accelerated reader, and special education.  I am going to the computer lab certification.  Ms. Vibbert is leading this training about how to use the computer lab.  We are going to hold each other to high standards for using the computer lab.

First thing, kids can use the lab for school work only during lunch.  Teachers can begin signing up to bring their classes starting tomorrow.  Please be respectful and only sign up for 2 days to begin with.  We reviewed the computer lab norms - all chairs pushed in, all keyboards, monitors, and mice are neat, etc.  At the end of the day, shut down all computers and lock the door on the way out.

AUP and web permission: most of the 7th and 8th graders have AUP forms already turned in.  Most students also have the web permission form so that you can publish their work online.  Under teacher resources, there is a master list of students with AUP and web permission from last year.

What is something goes wrong?
1. Check the plugs.
2. Check how the student logged in.
3. Try rebooting the machine.
4. If problems continue, leave a note on the machine or the sign-in book.  It will be passed on to tech support.

All computers have microsoft word, powerpoint, excel, scratch, kidpix, microworlds robotics, and geometers sketchpad.    We no longer have Inspiration and TimeLiner.

POE is amazing and students can turn in work digitally into their specific period.  Also, students can find the assignments on POE in the assignment folder.  If students log in as themselves, they can save their work into their folder.  If the students log in as default, then they must save their work on a flash drive or the local machine.  If your students are printing alot, please bring your own paper.

Helpful hints:
1. come to the lab the day before to make sure the desired programs work
2. plan ahead on how the students will turn in work
3. leave plenty of time at the end of class for clean up
4. make sure the students have their poe log-in before you come to the lab

Nathan is explaining the mobile carts and the procedures for checking them out.  Teachers need to ask Nathan to borrow the mobile carts at least one week in advance so the computers can be charged and updated.  There are two Apple carts with 15 each and a PC cart with 19 computers.  All of the computers have WiFi connection.  Please check the laptops every time you use them to see if any keys are missing.  Use the laptops on a table, although it is called a "lap"top.  Log out and shut down when returning.

We also have digital video cameras, headphones, and microphones that can be checked out.  Teachers can use iMovie to make videos.  We also have musical keyboards that the teachers can use.  Apparently we have LCD monitors that are on mobile carts and a polycom communications system for videoconferencing.  We are short on digital cameras and speakers.

This was a very informative breakout session.  I think everyone should attend this session.  Thanks Heather and Nathan!


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

PD: Grade Level and Department Meetings

Hi, welcome to the library!

We started with announcements from Mrs. Price.

She reminded teachers to submit course descriptions asap. Also, if you are being stulled and you don't think you should be stulled and you are scheduled, see Mrs. Price.

Make sure meeting schedules are turned in to Mrs. Price so we know what is happening in PD.

There were then a series of announcements. Unfortunately, a 2011 graduate lost his father over the weekend. See Ms. Shanley for more details. Mr. Morrison made an announcement about the football team. We then heard about the hiring committee for the principal and then broke into department meetings.

In English, we started by making up an agenda. We then introduced the department.

Greaney 7/8 English, creative writing
Parker ESL & 8
Berman 7 & ELS
Cruz 6/7
Mehrtash RSP 6/7
Barbeau 7/8
Schooler EL support

We discussed department chair and Sheila was elected department chair. SPA support for 8th: Tiki, 7th: Sheila, 6th: Cecily.
Lily brought up class size and balancing is continuing. Noriko mentioned a concern if our class size can sustain all our positions.
Lily mentioned that we should all make sure we use the plot graphic organizer.
Noriko can't find the SPA dates. We'll wait and see what comes. We then moved to grade level meetings.

At the eighth grade meeting, we discussed the different tasks and who is in charge.

Mrs. M. is doing Panorama Picture
Nakada: fliers/handouts
Dawson: dues
Wilson: t-shirts
Parker/Hernandez: culmination dance
Shanley/Dawson: softball game
reward activities: Glazener/Vibbert
Nakada/Diacu: field day
Nagle: funds
Oakes/Saxon: culmination
Nagle/Glazener: awards
Peralta: Documentation

Jamba Juice truck coming. $3.00 and .90 goes to the 8th grade fund. Possibly each Friday or ongoing Fridays.

Breakfast in the quad.  Send donations to Nagle.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

A New Year, A New Year of Blogging

Note to readers - This is the most strictly factual, boringest blog post I have ever written.  Proceed at your own risk.

Ms. Price - Announcement that she will not be scheduling any faculty meetings, instead we will use our PD time for faculty meeting business including anyone who says they need to make an announcement.

Communities In Schools will be starting their work with seventh graders this week. This is one of the few times that they will be pulling students out of class.  They are also looking for one math teacher and one English teacher to hire as tutors to work with the program after school.

Vote for SSC, CEAC, and ELAC members today.

Ms. Price - Suggestion that people who have signed up for committees like PD and technology and whatnot should meet breifly at the conclusion of the PD to decide when they will meet.

Nurse Clare - Clare expresses that she is very excited to be back at the school.  She explains that she tries to make the office a very homey place where kids can get breakfast, call home or whatever they need.  Vision and hearing test will be done through the science class and Clare will make an effort to see each eighth grader individually for scoliosis, height and weight as well as vision.  Need seventh grade science teachers to give dates to Clare so she can schedule Planned Parenthood.  Notify the nurse's office when you have a field trip so can send medication.  If you call the nurse to come to your room to help a kid, send the name of the student so medication can be brought if needed.  October 10 is the deadline for students to have the pertussis vaccine.  After that, students without the vaccine will not be allowed to attend school.

Bloodborne Pathogens - Best practice, cover-up. Use universal precautions, have a barrier between you and any fluids.  Always protect yourself, you never know what someone might have.  Clare demonstrates the correct way to remove gloves.  Call the custodian to clean up any body fluid messes.  Sharps must be disposed of in a sharps container.  Body fluid contaminated materials must go in a red bag.  Urine and feces are not subject to that rule, for some reason.  Make sure that students who are having a seizure, make sure that the student is laying on his side, but don't do anything else.  Just keep the student safe.  Send kids who are having an allergic reaction to the nurse's office ASAP to avoid a call to 911.

Ms. Price - We have a new teacher for seventh and eighth grade math.  She is a pool teacher, but while she is here, we will use her.

Meghan Schooler - Showing us MyData. Quick poll of the staff on how they confident they feel.  Lots of people are having trouble logging in, the computers are slow.

Pause for UTLA announcements - West Area meeting at Emerson at 3:45 tomorrow.  Thursday will be a lunch UTLA meeting in 122 to go over West Area meeting. Mr. Hastings thanks the staff for all they did.  UTLA talking points - opposition to two charter takeovers, 800 classified staff layoffs this month, surplus from last year should be used to keep certificated staff (according to state law) and lower norms.  We will be doing a new class count to check our numbers.  Use Tuesdays numbers and get it to Noriko by the end of the day.  Currently negotiating furlough days, health care benefits, and public school choice.

Marie - Update to CELDT from last week.  You can find out all about them in My Data.

Back to Meghan - MyData is still very slow and not loading, so we have to learn by listening but without doing, mostly.  There is a pink handout so you can try it out at home if you are interested.  Meghan is being Sheila Berman on the center screen, so you are welcome to watch/ listen or work ahead on your own, though I am unclear what we are working on.

Pause for Mr. Oakes to talk about today's discipline talks.

Noriko - If we want to use PD time for SBM committees, then everyone has to be on a committee so go see the person who heads the committee you want to be on.

Committees met and that was it for the day!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

June 14th

We're meeting in the library to continue our discussion about the schedule and school day intervention.
Today's goal is to make an X period decision. Robin N. Heather and Meghan are facilitating. Sorry, but this will be more like notes instead of a blog.

Quick straw poll - Keep intervention in X or somewhere else. Do the majority of us feel that X period is the place for intervention?
Yes intervention - 4
No - 22

X period in general - Do we like having an X period for enrichment?
Yes - 18
No - 11

For enrichment: We need to do enrichment and fun things like debate ( 1 voice)
No X: Too many kids wandering around, not enough kids in class doing what they are supposed to do. If well done, then we should do X. Other ideas, chance for teachers to do something different and fun for/with the kids. Kids who normally do not get electives get to do a non-academic class. That's a good thing. Also, the block of time at the end of day is good for all the pull out activities that we do, not messing with the academics. Allows kids to do a 3 year class if they like. Problem with X is that it is unfair, some kids do not get the fun class but get study hall or intervention. Concern about the loss of time in academic classes. We need more fun at Emerson. X brings new interest and students to Emerson. Enrichment and study hall do not have to be mutually exclusive. Can do both. Some would like to keep their kids but that changes the pool of kids that are left and doesn't take everyone into consideration.

New straw poll on X
Yes - 21
No - 8

Let's move to the discussion about how to make X more successful and the details, concerns.
  • Can we make it pass/fail?
  • Kids need to get into the classes that they want. WIll make it a better experience for all. Seems like a lot of kids aren't in classes they want and don't care. Teachers need to choose classes that kids will be excited about.
  • Is pass/fail necessary? Doesn't a U mean the same?
  • Moving X period earlier in the day may impact academic classes and will not work for study hall.
  • Maybe having the fair is a better way to let kids sign up. Only about 45 kids don't get 1 of their 5 choices.
  • Let 7th, 8th graders choose now.
  • Keeping your X period kids lets the class develop and move further along. Some teachers are looking at X period as a course that grows and others as a 10 week one time.
  • Teachers should be able to decide if they want multiple grades.
  • When X was introduced, we were all going to teach an X, not just classroom teachers. Sizes too large.
  • Need required projects, elective wheel?
  • Poll the kids and see what classes they want. Then have teachers offer those choices.
  • The kids who get intervention or study hall need the fun classes.
  • Very little prep time for X and not enough supplies.
  • First rotation of X keep 6th grade separate and get them used to middle school.
  • Elective wheel will have 3. Don't have teachers to do an intervention elective.
  • When we first talked of X period, it was something the teachers wanted to do.
Consensus  - Make X a pass/fail class.
Majority - Hold X period at the end of the day.
The group is discussing some ideas, issues about X. Much focus on study skills, test prep, anti bullying.
Consensus that X period will be enrichment.

For our block, X period days, do we want the same schedule that we have now? Can't lose more academic minutes. To save time...,let's do a straw poll.
X period shorter - 5
X period same - 17
X period longer - 2
Block schedule stays the same.

Those who want to meet on Monday after school to discuss ET are invited.

Let's look at ET time:
M, Tu, F = 37 minutes
W, Th = 45 minutes

Same number of minutes each ET - 21
Differing number of minutes ET - 9

Do we want a 39 minute ET all 5 days. Extra time to the academics. Consensus!
We'll make a paper schedule to look at.

Good job everyone. We have made some major decisions.
Signing off,

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

June 7, 2011

Began with some important announcements.
  • Kids getting antsy. Keep them in class and focused. Help each other out.
  • Heather went over schedule for Wednesday's 8th grade field day. Teachers have schedules, rosters, signs for doors, attendance lists. Impressive job! Should go very smoothly.
  • Meghan wants ET kids to check SIS spelling for culmination.
  • Meet in Lib Weds. if you want to help w/ lib book purchases. We have a few grand.
Continuation of Schedule Discussion and intervention -
4.5 keep
3.5 nix
-keep at end of day x2
-disallow student selected group
-keep grade level specific or 6/7 or 7/8
-teachers specify which grade levels
-enrichment only
-time for awards/parties
-enrichment & intervention
-more accountability GRADED or pass/fail
-more thoughtful selection of student groupings/attention to student choice
-study skills for first 10 week
-for students who don't have electives

- different kids are good
-same length daily/standardized
-basic skills mastery
-intervention here!
-semster long ET
-AR/advisory program
-keep students all year
-leave ET as is
-community & citizenship
-involve parents

-Mon & Tues = 1,2,3,4,5,6
-Wed = 1234 (1352)
-Thu = 5612 (4613)
-Fri = 3456 (5246)

Think about the ideas. Next Tuesday, do or die conversation to decide X period. Good work today.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Faculty meeting


Ms. Branch reminded seventh graders to hold on to eligibility lists.
Check spring festival schedule. Make changes and give them to Michele.
Ms. Gonnella reminded and encouraged all to attend festival Saturday.
Eighth grade trip paperwork forthcoming.

Ms. Gonnella reminded folks to sign stull evals.
Book fair is going on. Please sign up English teachers!
Help is needed for supervision. Please be visible on the yard to help keep our campus safe.
Ms. Berman expressed gratitude for support of the Washington family.
Ms. Dawson announced the Emerson mile over the next few days. Please come out and support our athletes!

Ms. Gonnella brought out attention to the Performance Meter and she wants us to keep this in mind as we plan for next year.

Jeremy Bollinger, the new PTSA president, introduced himself and let us know they are here to support us.

Fred then passed out materials for a discussion about uniforms. He went over the revised uniform policy and procedures. We then discussed uniforms at length.

I became too frustrated to continue taking notes.

Mr. Oakes made a few UTLA announcements regarding the proposed contract. There was some discussion about this tentative agreement.

Kathy clarified what she's signed us up for in terms of test-based evaluations.

That is all.

Schedule Reflection

We are reflecting on our current schedule, what we like, what works and what we would like to change. First we did silent, written reflection, then elbow partners, then a tea party. I need to mingle and hear what others think. A tea party is a way to get lots of different opinions.

Folks are sharing their ideas on our current schedule. I can not do lots of detail because I am on an iPAD. I will get the notes up here if I can.

Straw poll
4day no block 14
4day block 1
2day block 17
Perhaps we need more discussion on block. Discussion and clarification. Another straw poll.
Old 11
4day 20

Can we use this poll to move forward and work from this base of a 2 day block? Discussion about X, intervention, ET.
Things to think about for next meeting
ET on block days 10 min. Add minutesnto block and x
MTF shorten ET to 8 minutes plus 5 to each class period. 1st period has ET
Intervention in ET. X period pure fun or gone and minutes to block.
Keep ET as is. AR great.
Clarify X period purpose
ET and X same kids and same time.
Have ET be your kids from other periods.
Keep heterogenous ETs, not your regular kids.
X period keep 6th from 7and 8.

Have a week to think about this.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Professioanl Development May 17th

Whew. Too much last minute goings on. So we're starting with a few announcements.
Kathy G:
  • Mr. Morrison is now teaching math for the rest of the semester.  
  • Departments need to give Kathy the name of their new chairs.
  • Kathy would like a waiver to hold off on the master schedule since we don't yet know @ RIFs and class sizes. There are issues with SIS. You can't change the master like you used to be able to. Deadline for master is June 1st. Kathy says she can give us something on paper. Now there are many small discussions about the schedule next year. Think about it. We'll talk next week.
Diego: Isn't here. Michele gave a quick word about him.

Kathy G: Some stories about testing. Lots of classes have perfect attendance. Kids for make ups will be called to the library. Thank you everyone.

Garry: Annual Hazardous Communication presentation
Special sign in for this specific training. You know the drill. Eeeeew, we also get a worksheet to go along with the PowerPoint. So we're learning what makes a substance a hazardous material. There are loads of rules for how these materials are used and stored. This is an annual training.

So here's what you need to know for the vocabulary test
  • corrosive - goes through the test tiube and burns your hand
  • flammable - can burn baby burn. btw...why do those trucks say inflammable? Means the same? i wish we had time for that question.
  • explosives - blow up
  • pressure - think of David Bowe and Freddy Mercury
  • toxicity - think of bad mushrooms, or as Heather says, poisonusness
Garry is going over how these substances can get into you and what amount (dose) will hurt you. This important information is all on the MSDS (Material Data Safety Sheet). It tells you about the material and all about the properties and how to treat. Now Garry is telling us about a "friend" who used to do bad things with chemicals.

If there is a chemical spill, we have to "run" and get out of there, our first priority is the safety of our students.  Who you gonna call? No, not "Ghostbusters" like our entire staff said, but instead call OEHS. And tell our chemical safety person.

Garry went over safety gear. Now we're taking a QUIZ on the MDSS. I'm answering with TPR (holding up fingers)

Labels - like the ones we see on trucks and on the walls. Labels need to have certain information. If it doesn't have a label, don't just open it up.

You've wondered about the 4 color diamond labels, right? From the NFPA (National Fire Protection Association).
Blue: Health hazard
Red: Flammability
Yellow: Reactivity Hazard
White: other Hazard info. Kyle totally knows this stuff. There is a 0-4 scale to tell you how dangerous things are.

AND there is another labeling system. Yes, there is! HMIS Hazardous Material identification System.
If you want the powerpoint, Garry can give you the phone number.

Now we're off to our grade level meetings. End of the year is very busy. I'm staying in the library for 8th grade. I wish today was a bit more interesting for all you readers. I'll try to find a good pic for chemical safety.

8th grade meeting:
1. The PTSA wants some teachers to go on the Knotts trip. Let them know.
2. Discussion with Lily on the lead about 8th grade awards night. Concerns about spreading the awards around and NOT giving out a million awards and diluting. Some parents as well had concerns.
Give out the certificates in ET but announce 3 year perfect attendance and 4.0. The rest for department awards. Michele will find the top 3 8th grade word counts. Discussion that we don't need 6 awards for every department. Noriko mentioned that last year was very short and quick.
3. UCLA booked on June 10th. Free June 9th. Music concert on the 9th. Talking about what to do. Michele asked why we need a field day? Lots of reasons given. Lots of talking. Looks like June 8th at UCLA. Based on 15 week grades. Heather will create the coverage schedule. Noriko will do the trip slips and get the swimming details, chaperones.
4. C and D are at Uni working on culmination.

Reviewing to do lists for all of us and schedules as early as possible please. My head is swimming with all these end of the semester goings on.

Story time.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Testing Day #1 PD

So, last week, we neglected to do the blog! Oh no! We spent that meeting being trained in how to test our students. Kathy Garner gave every ET teacher a packet with testing materials and we watched the CST prep movie.

Today we finished our first day of testing! Whooo hooo! Ice cream is inhibiting Noriko's ability to blog, so I am helping out for a few minutes.  We are clarifying what to do in the future when the students don't complete the CST in the allotted testing period and new procedures will be implemented tomorrow.  Kathy is imploring us to go to Pershing Square on Friday and take part in the state-wide action.  Teachers Unite! Oakes jumps in with some union related business (not on the agenda) that leads to comments (also not on the agenda).  Michele looks annoyed that she isn't yet talking, even though she is on the agenda.

Noriko's back. Still listening to union stuff for Friday's action. Cecily's fired up! Okay... so get out to Pershing Square Friday or else and there are other actions planned. Parents are heading there too so get there. Five minutes... still clarifying the action Friday. This is an AFL/CIO combined effort.

Michele let us know where we are headed today. We are starting in departments and then heading into grade level meetings. Michele also went over the PD for the rest of the week and really, the rest of the year. With that she sent us off to our department chair.

We are now meeting as a department, so you are only going to get the science perspective, but I am sure you will get a taste of what all these meetings are about.  First up - textbooks - we have ordered a few more textbooks and we will get the same two consumables (Interactive Reader and CST prep book).  Deciding on who will do what next year - chair, chemical safety, science fair, nutrition network.  Supplies - Robin is handling it.  This year we have very generous parents, so maybe throw up a couple Donor's Choose projects and get some special stuff you need. Robin is unanimously elected as department chair again (Yeah!!!!), Brian will do chemical safety, need a science fair point person to make rubrics, register the school and the students, have written instructions for projects.  There is a question about why we persist in doing the county science fair.  There is some discussion about whether we should go back to the old science fair project system, or keep this year's system with some tweaking and clarification. Garry Joseph will be the science fair point person.  There are still some things that need to be worked out, but we can meet more as a department and also build in more collaboration with other content teachers. Robin, Laura and I will meet to decide who gets the eighth grade science awards.  There is a lot of discussion about what should or shouldn't be allowed as a science fair project.  The students should have an opportunity to do the school science fair for low stakes before the county science fair. Brain and Heather and Robin will somehow work out nutrition network between us.

And now for something completely different.  We are meeting as eighth grade.  Robin is giving us the packet that includes the dates for eighth grade activities.  Parents will donate water, orange wedges and cookies for the runners for the mile run.  Lily, Laura and David Weiss are doing awards.  Forms will be distributed at the grade level PD next Tuesday.  Parents want to get snacks for teachers and kids who play in softball game.  Robin is looking for volunteers for the 8th grade dance, handing out yearbooks, chaperone, etc.  Now Robin wants volunteers to go as chaperones to Knott's Berry Farm on the PTSA trip.  All students may go, not just eligible students.  Noriko says that if we want UCLA, have to go on June 10.  Consensus on date.  Noriko will book UCLA, Heather will make a coverage schedule for students who stay behind, Noriko will talk to Dogtown Dogs, parents will be asked to donate supplemental food.  David Oakes and Carolyn are on top of culmination.  Heather will make a schedule for coverage of students and classes during culmination practice. Miss Mona and Ms. Branch will coordinate on flowers (daisies in pots, carnations to give out).  Lily is bringing up the appeals committee.  Who is on the committee and when will they meet?  Sorry, I am leaving a lot of stuff out so that I can write it on my paper.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Test Taking Faculty Meeting

The meeting is with everyone in the library and hopefully will be quick enough to allow time for phone calls.  We were given a list of emergency preparedness steps to do in our box, just an FYI.  We were also given a laminated sheet of what to do in various emergencies to post in our room.  Alex has been selected to be a principal at a small District 7 high school and he will be leaving after testing.  We will have an interim (retired) AP for the remainder of the year and someone next year, depending on displacements and seniority and whatnot.  Take a test taking strategies poster on your way out.

Kathy Garner is leading a discussion of test-taking strategies.  She has pulled some old video tapes and has added a BrainPop video and some YouTube videos to her website (since Michele isn't here to put them under teacher resources.  I guess that this is a taste of what next year will be like), that you can (should) show to your ET.  YouTube requires you to enter your SSO username and password to show the video.  Some are made by teachers and some by kids.  Kathy Gonnella says that if you don't have a cart in your ET or don't know how to use technology, see Kathy Garner, but every ET should see at least a few videos.  Apparently Michele will put them on the website tomorrow when she gets back.

Alex has asked us to have small group discussions about what we are doing in our ET to reinforce good test taking strategies.  I mentioned that I told the kids not to eat any fat or sugar before testing which Robin restated as reinforcing healthy eating.

On a side note, there were two agendas for this meeting, both provided only minutes before the meeting started, a pink one which I think is from the PD committee and which we are disregarding and a blue one which I believe is from administration, which is the one we are using.

Back to the all mighty test.  We are sharing with the whole group.  Sharon says choose the "best" answer.  Students often think two answers are right, but reinforce that only one is the best. Steve says make sure that you understand what the question is asking for. Other people shared stuff, but I stopped listening.  I started wondering about free books, because it was my understanding that we had set aside money for the free books this year, but no one has done anything about this and what's up with the money for the books.

This year's testing schedule is very different from last year. Apparently we are having practice testing on 5/9, minimum days 5/10-5/13 with one testing session per day and some classes, and testing on 5/16 and 5/17 with all classes meeting those days (I think).  The schedule will be provided tomorrow as it was just run by SBMC last night.  Several faculty members are expressing that they are frustrated to find out that the schedule is so different from last year and we are only now finding out.  Kathy says that we were told several weeks ago, but again faculty members expressed that while it may have been mentioned, nothing was concrete and we were not given specifics.  There is a high level of frustration that things like schedules are not communicated adequately or in a timely fashion.

Short Break

Faculty meeting begins.  An announcement that the father of two students died suddenly last night and to cut those kids a break.  Faculty members suggest a collection for burial expenses and a sign up for food delivery.  Wednesday, 5/4 the principals' meeting will be here so the yard will be used for parking.  We have a new complex manager who will be here on Friday because they may be drilling on the South field on Friday to do testing for the new gym building.  Camp Emerson will be Aug 30-Sept. 1 with Howdy Day on Sept. 1 from 1:30-3:00.  The PIGG day will be either August 29th or September 5th depending on furlough days.  Start thinking about eighth graders who may want to do speeches at culmination.  X period starts this week.  Give out program cards in ET, collect them in X and turn them in to the Student Services office.  Make sure that every kid in your room is supposed to be there.  Sheila is sharing an article from the LA Times about improving test scores of African-American students by having them read articles about overcoming adversity.  Also students who are directly taught about how learning occurs and that people are not born smart or dumb makes a difference.

Now we are having our Spring Recertification of district policies. Don't discriminate.  Report child abuse.  Don't be alone with kids. (Time out for an anecdote about a teacher who was recently removed from Palms for "baking cookies for a kid". ) Be vigilant about bullying and cyber-bullying. (Side conversation about "burn pages".) Be vigilant about hate crimes - take them seriously. Be safe, don't do stupid things to put yourself at risk.

Now a UTLA update - there is a proposed one hour job action and a protest on Pershing Square on Friday May 13th.  There is some dissent about whether or not we should go forward with it.  We are being asked to sign a pledge to do the one hour job action and to commit to attending the rally (separate sign ups). There is a question about whether or not we should do the testing in light of the proposed cuts.  Cecily says, per UTLA lawyer, you must administer the test or you will likely lose your job.  We are working on fixing testing at the state level, but that fight is not for this week.  We are joining together, statewide for actions during the week of testing, including the one hour action.  There is a movement in the state and the union to move toward a strike, but we aren't there yet, though it is on the table.  We need to stop being reactive and start DOING things and this is our start.  Noriko suggests that there may be some riffed teachers willing to not give the test and test the union contract.  Cecily says she will talk that over with her people.  Remind those teachers you know at other schools to show up and walk out for the job action.  Only 27 people signed during the meeting.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Professional Development 4-15

Thank goodness taxes aren't due today! We are trying to get through this quickly so that Spring Break can BEGIN!  Heather needs caffeine.  Really.

We all had to scramble to get Mr. Deasy's letter out during period six.  Maybe we can voice our concerns about the schizo behavior of the budgetary divas.

Zimmer's great ideas about school deconstruction have been approved. That should take 18 months to gain approval.  He thinks it will be done in 2014.  We think that this should be the Alicia Lindheim Memorial Gymnasium.  And the Terry Cowart Building.

Need to power off all computers and unplug them.  Lock all valuables up or take them home with you.  Take attendance before you leave.  Also lock up all windows and doors.  Read "The Huge Sway of a Teen's Pal" and pair-share your reactions and thoughts.

District wants to take $114 mil from our benefits hold back as well as $60 mil from worker's comp. AND offer us 12 more furlough days for 2011-2012.

Megan is giving CBTL gift cards for turning in surveys - Jacobson, Perez, Barbeau.  She has also given us the CCCI template to use with SDAIE.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Professional Development Grade Levels - 8th

Michele Levin here...

8th grade teachers are trickling in as we get ready to start our PD session. Wow, we have some late tricklers..more like drops.

We've been given the list of of students who are currently ineligible for culmination. There will be a student ET and a parent informational meeting on April 28th (5:30 pm) to discuss the requirements. We need clarification on the ET meeting - all kids or just those who are ineligible. (Kathy says all kids) We're talking a bit more about culmination requirements. Kathy would like 8th grade teachers to come to the parent meeting on the 28th. Anyone, anyone? Ferris?

Culmination. Hoping the veterans will give some advice to the new folks for planning. Oakes suggests those involved in the planning do it in a small group. Setting rehearsal times for June 21st pers 5 and 6, and June 22nd ET to lunch. Culmination is the 23rd at 5:00 pm @ Uni. Speeches will be taken care of. Mr. Oakes reminded everyone @ parking.

 10 week activity ideas? Free dress day this Friday - Done! Leadership is working on some fun lunch activities and Spirit Week. What for our 8th graders? Like the idea of a pre-culmination reward donuts. So we'll do specail seating on the 28th, then those eligible will leave for donuts.

Dance -  I heard Noriko mention something @ being scarred for life. Kids need to get their yearbooks during the dance.

Diane is taking over while I leave for a meeting to see if our 9 year old file server will reboot after 280 days. Guess what, it did! POE is the best computer in the world.

. AND...Panorama pics will be distributed on Friday during ET.  Ping pong tournament? Softball game June 17 @ lunch. Awards Ceremony - auditorium - June 4th from 5-6 pm.  Student designed program cover?  Pick up elsewhere? Not lobby...

I'm back. Field Day - where do we want to have it? Idea is for the beach on the public bus. We'll have to look into the details. UCLA has a park. Noriko will look into us going there, special for 8th grade.

The parents are looking into the 8th grade trip.

Sarah is trying to weasel out of the dance. I can't imagine why. People aren't listening very well at this point. We're talking more about culmination requirements and the parent meeting. Lisa and Sarah will present. Lots more talking. Boy, we're not adhering to our norms today. I blame myself since I brought a tub of candy for everyone. Sorry.

I think we really need an 8th grade meeting where we sort of chat and break bread. LAUSD is a bit stressful at this time.

1. Culmination Requirements
2. 10 Week activity
3. Dance - June 17th 4-7 pm
4. Softball Game - June 17th lunch
5. Awards - June 4th 5-6 pm
6. Field Day - June 20th
7. End of Year Parent Trip

Done with 8th grade activities discussion.

ET teachers are getting the LETTER requesting parents to come to parent conference night. This is the same night as the culmination meeting. Folks are filling out the letters and discussing how their students are doing in their classes. Boy, we really need time to talk about our kids in a casual environment IMHO.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Faculty Meeting

I would like to start by saying the agenda for this meeting was not distributed until 5 minutes before the meeting, at the conclusion of the PD. Reminder - Conference Night is April 28th from 6-8 (I think, time isn't written here). This year - invite 25 families since not enough are showing up. The Open House is from 12:30-2:30 on Saturday, June 4th with the play at 3 and 7:30, 8th grade awards from 5-6.  Air conditioning update - worth it in the end, but painful while it happens, yard will be torn up, classes will have to move around.  Make room in your closets at home for all the stuff you will have to store at home since people will be in your room all night and things grow legs.  The administration building will be first, the classroom building a year from now. Send the parent and student surveys, raffle for people who get all their kids to return the parent surveys. Being done tomorrow during Pd.3 (over lots of complaints about lots of lost instructional time). For some reason the district doesn't understand that teachers lesson plan more than a day in advance.  You have until next Tuesday to get them to Meghan.

Kathy passed out salmon teacher preference sheet and buff staffing sheet. We are going ahead as if the RIFs go through.  Not on the form is that we are going down to one counselor. On the form it does say that we are losing our tech coordinator.  Because of RIFs, we will need a categorical program coordinator. This form is a little weird because it doesn't break down kids by grade level so we don't know how many sections of each class we need. We can still have the Thursday meeting about the master schedule. Maybe my questions will be answered soon.  Teachers can move around on the master, maybe we can meet our needs with our displaced teachers.  I still want to see the sections and how it will work.

Lisa wants everyone to return the X-period form to her ASAP.  Students will have one day to get the teacher's signature if they are choosing a class that requires it. 

Anne will speak about last night's meeting with Zimmer - basically we have three options.  1. The plan as previously stated, 2. Build the gym, no field at all, and field money goes to another to school, 3. Spend no money at all at Emerson.  Anne has been cut off by a flurry of voices.  This meeting is devolving into an arguement and I really want to get to Gavin's science fair, so I hope this ends soon. Ugh - I just checked the agenda and there is still a UTLA update after this.  I feel like a kid counting down the minutes to summer vacation. My recommendation is that we write out a plan and let the faculty vote at their leisure.

Academic Growth Over Time (aka Value Added)

Kathy is introducing the topic and it is obviously a sensitive one, so there are many disclaimers and caveats including the presentation being done by district personnel. The LA Times is gearing up to release data on elementary schools and then middle school math and English. The incoming superintendent and the board is very interested in value-added so we need to better understand the enemy.  On a side note, rebranding value added as Academic Growth Over Time reminds of creationism being rebranded as intelligent design.

This is meant to be an overview of the way it is calculated and not an in depth presentation.  Students will be evaluated in terms of absolute achievement and growth compared to prior performance and predicted growth. We are being presented with some rather simplistic models of oak trees and gardeners to compare achievement with simple growth to prediction and growth over time which is a weighted growth model and supposedly more fair to the poor beleaguered gardeners. Right away there are worried looks, sighs and verbalized concerns. The AGT model takes into consideration prior CST scores, income status, grade level, ethnicity, and such.  In a future model, attendance and team-teaching will be taken into consideration (students with absences beyond a threshold will not be part of the consideration). For this year, students will be accredited to the teacher in whose class they were on norm day, even if they haven't been with that teacher since that day.  Only students with at least two years of prior testing will be included. Students will only be compared with students of the same background/ status.  I have particular concerns about this because if I do a good job and a kid redesignates to Resource than all the good teaching that I have done doesn't get credited to me. Behavior is also not a consideration - D.O. is concerned that when a difficult student is moved into the class mid-year, the scores of all the students in the class will be negatively impacted and there is nothing you can do.  The district says that they didn't include this because the placement of behavior problems is something in control of the teacher and the school and they are only going to weight things that are out of the control of the school.
There is no benefit to you as a teacher  if you improve the attendance or behavior of a student, even if those are equally valid measures of the "goodness" of a teacher.  Currently value added doesn't affect your performance review.
Supposedly, it compares the growth of a student to students all over LA Unified that have similar attributes. Doing this for ELA grades 3-9 and Math grades 3-7. Separation of algebra and general math students in grade 8. Doesn't know how they handle it when teachers move from grade level to grade level - doesn't think it matters what you teach. Unsure of the error analysis on this process. Minimum number of students you must have in order to be included is 11 - obviously a bigger sample size will lead to a smaller confidence interval on the results.  Oooh, in case numbers are too hard for you to understand there are helpfully color-coded balloons to represent your worth as a teacher.  Blue and green are good, gray is neutral and yellow and red are bad.  You are rated on a scale from 1-5 with 3 being average for the district.

There is both a measure for the previous year and a three-year average at the school and teacher level. Instead of paying money to do these calculations, couldn't we spend the money on lowering class size which has PROVEN benefits? This is fishy and it smells like union-busting? Is there any data that shows that knowing this stuff benefits kids at all? And if any of this starts effecting our pay, why wouldn't this turn into an arms race of teachers cheating to improve their value?

Apparently there is some accounting for a ceiling effect and regression of the mean.  So if you teach very high achieving students, it is assumed that the only place to go is down, and it considered high value-added if your kids don't go down as much as other high achieving kids. Data is available for whole school and then broken down by sub-group (EL, SPED, SED, ethnicity).

Now we get to see our data! It's a sneak peak of what the paper will be publishing on April 12th. Overall, in ELA we are gray, slightly below the district average and in the three year, we are below average for our Basic and special education students. By grade level, our seventh graders are well above grade level, while sixth and eighth grade students are slightly below.  In math, we are significantly below district average across grade level at the one and three year evaluations. Students with the same name may accidentally get swapped. If you want to be a teacher who has value-added as part of your STULL next year, you can sign up.  The school would get money, but not the teacher.  Apparently we are doing this because there is a perception that LAUSD isn't getting the job done, but I must ask myself, wouldn't hiring more teachers and lowering class size draw students back while improving educational outcomes? With RESEARCH to back it up. Isn't raising class size contrary to our stated goals?

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

CST Test Prep Planning Discussion

Announcements from Kathy - Marie won't be back until next year.  Good for her, bad for us.  Doug will minimally take over her duties, but be polite if he needs help. Mr. Ryan is no longer at this school - he had been waiting for another assignment, but other stuff came up too.  There may or may not be a replacement. If you have concerns about a student being on alcohol or drugs, send a sealed note to the nurse asking the student to be escorted out.  Be delicate.  Neutra tour flyers were distributed. Neutra's son has visitied the school and wants to be included in the modernization project.  April 9th there will be a continuation of the UCLA beautification project.  Rumor of fence is overstated - there will be a fence, but students will be allowed on during nutrition and lunch.  We are getting an e-mail re positive behavior support team.  Next Thursday (the 7th) there will be a one hour after school discussion on beginning to build the master schedule. We will start with a 38 to 1 norm, hoping for better news from the district. David is passing out flyers but they are color copies from color copies so they are hard to read.  CSTs suck, but we have to do them so we may as well make the best of it and try to have the kids do good so that people who judge us by one number based on 8 hours out of the entire school year can be assured that we are a "good" school. A teacher expresses that she is feeling frustrated that she is caring the burden of improving scores and that she wishes that we could share the burden amongst the full faculty.  Even though our math scores are worse than our English scores, the district is funding and prioritizing English right now. David is updating us on upcoming UTLA activities and inviting us to join him on a bike ride on Friday.

We will break into small groups and discuss how we want CST test prep to look, who, what, when, where (don't discuss why - 'cuz you have to do it). Our small group is discussing that we don't mind doing general test taking strategies in ET, but that AR has proven benefit and we should stick with it and that we should do AR April to reinvigorate reading. Content should be taught in the content areas because that person has expertise that the ET teacher may not have.  ET teachers should give the previous year CST scores to the students so teachers can discuss as needed. Teachers have some wicked twisted ideas for how to incentivize buy-in.  Pay students for scores? Bubble This? T-shirts.  Still want t-shirts for 1,000,000 word readers. Still doing free books? We've paid for them, but who is doing it? Group feels books shouldn't have to be AR or academic, should be anything that interests kids. Should spend ET stressing to kids that testing is important because it gets us money and freedom - tell them what is really at stake and encourage them to do a personal best. It would be great if we could get mints for the kids to suck on during testing. Teachers should give treats (smart cookies and other food especially), kids love to eat.

Each of our three small groups are going to share their discussions.  Tina leads the discussion.  I don't know about others, but I am confused about what we are doing now. I guess we are deciding who to send our suggestions to, but I am not sure what will happen then, especially as there isn't department meeting time scheduled until at least after spring break.  It doesn't sound like we are trying to come around to a cohesive action plan that all teachers carry forward and so I am not sure what my personal next step should be. I guess I will just keep on with what I was planning on doing anyhow and preparing as I see fit.  Lots of ideas and directives and few procedures. Asking if people want to do test prep in ET and/ or X period, but I and my group think this is a bad idea. Robin reviewed our ideas from our group and there seems to be consensus on buying mints for kids and teachers can provide non-messy snacks on their own dime. Bubble This shirts got a laugh, but are probably a no-go.  Doug is reviewing the info from his group.  Ahh, the bell.  Me and Pavlov, man.  My brain seems to stop caring right at the bell, like a switch.  Sounds like most of us agree - content in content classes, test taking strategies in ET and mints for all.  Kathy says we will talk in departments, but no department meetings are scheduled, so not sure how that will work.  Joel suggests "Up Yours (test scores)" t-shirts.  Those are funny too.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Accelerated Reader Spring Update

Well, here we are...trickling in slowly. I get to sit with RN and CJ! Yay! Robin is having issues opening her sour patch stick and several are having issues with the Teacher Resource login. (your login is your first initial and your last name; Michele doesn't know your password, but she can reset it for you if you go to visit her). Hmm, does Kaiser do TB tests? Which PD is in this room? Am I a MyData beginner? What Spring Checklist? Where's the sign-in? It is now 1355! Wow.  We apparently need naps.

Michele is now starting. So many conversations :-)
 Remember!! AR April is coming up fast!

ML is getting a lot of wide-ranging questions about AR from a lot of teachers who may have lost their notebooks. We are trying to get tshirts made for our Million Word Readers! (Can't walk to Borders with Corianne anymore since there isn't a Borders or a Librarian anymore). We are now working on a Circle Map for our 'Daily ET Routine'. Would a Flow Map work better? Can I reset goals midstream?

JR has kids use a Reading Log everyday. RN reads a common book each semester that her ET reads together. She has ET rewards when everyone reaches 50% and 100%. DO takes his ET to the library once a month to make sure that they each have a book. What is the Frame of Reference for this Circle Map - Sustained Silent Reading, increasing literacy rates (FOR = how do we know what we know)...

Where do we build in time to actually use the data created from AR? Do we? Some do, some don't. Those who do - check-in conference-style with students weekly; have students check out their progress toward goals; deleting out of range ZPD quizzes...

We are now using Teacher Resources (use the link above) to view the AR Spring Semester Checklist.  It literally gives you a list of what to do for each month of the Spring Semester.  Some people are adding students that already exist instead of just enrolling them in their ET.  Michele is here to help with that, but get it this year because her position doesn't exist next year! Skipping to March - the goal setting chart is on Teacher Resources - it has the suggested point goal/ZPD for the 5, 10 and 15 week.  Now, log in to AR as yourself and pull up your Spring Diagnostic Report.  Make sure that you select Spring Semester!  There is a key to the Diagnostic Codes on the 2nd page of the Diagnostic Report - Reading Practice. For example, the code A actually means that they haven't  taken a single quiz. Encourage students to read Non-Fiction (those are more challenging).  Robin is an advanced user - she is comparing her student's reading ranges with the books they've actually tested on.  Don't forget to take a look at their Word Count! This is under AR Reports, Other Reading, Word Count to be able to give a shout out to your students who are at 700,000 or better! They are on track to read one million words! Of course, students with disabilities or ELL students will be at a lower word count.

What do we do if students are blocked or locked? Are these the same? They are NOT the same! Blocked means that a student has parameters set that prevent them from taking certain tests. Locked means that they have entered the incorrect password too many times.

Michele is available to help you have kids sign-up for HomeConnect so that you get an email every time they take a test.  If you need to STAR test your ET and you want to do the whole ET at once, check with Michele.  If you don't understand the Reports and such, go see Michele.

Good Reading and Good Luck. Be kind to each other! Peace, out! 

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Department Meeting Professional Development

Today, the Ides of March, we met in departments. I'm in Carrie's room for the English department meeting discussing our favorite topic...  wait for it... upcoming SPA!!!  The dates are April 6 - 8 and they are due to the district on the 11th.  We also need to keep in mind that CSTs are coming two weeks after spring break.

History is meeting in 202, math is in 130 or at UNI, science is in 128, PE is in the girls' PE office, ESL is in 104, electives are in 7 and special ed. your in room 221.

The eighth grade English teachers then had the chance to work with Meghan on SDAIE lessons.  Meghan went over the criteria for selecting our classes and we need to design 5 lessons utilizing the Universal Access Lesson Design Template.

Lily, Tiki, Meghan and I all sat down to hash out our first lesson focusing on Response to Lit. We hope to focus on supporting our theses with paraphrasing and quoting literature.  We came up with some language objectives and language forms.  Whew.  We will get together again to complete the lesson template and figure out our next steps. 

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Professional Development March 8: Grade Level Meetings

We met in the library and Ms. Gonnella went over the objectives for the grade level meetings. Mr. Contreras is meeting with the special ed. department and the seventh and eighth grade ET teachers are working on common tasks and grade-level activities. Eighth grade then met to get requirements together for regaining eligibility for eighth graders.

In the eighth grade meeting we started with Lily mentioning her ideal situation for undoing the Us situation. There seems to be no resolution to this problem. There is then a debate about the F-C conversion and how eligibility impacts field trips.

We came to the resolution that if a student no longer has Us in classes from first semester they must earn an S or E in order to regain eligibility.

Then there was the discussion of the appeal process and student having a teacher-advocate going into the appeals process.

At tomorrow's panorama picture ET practice, we'll review the culmination requirements and how students can regain eligibility.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Okay, so we're back in the library for more PD on Title III Access to Core SDAIE Session after a long day of CST Writing Exam special schedule and AT&T filming on campus. Whew. Busy day, 20 minute periods.

We came into the library after giving in to or resisting chocolate cake for faculty birthdays!

I caught Morrison reading. Awesome.
Meghan got us right in to an activity to review the four critical elements review: comprehensibility, interactions, content, connections. We paired up, one with each of the hour elements to review strategies for each of these four elements. Oakes kept getting candy which was super annoying to me.

After reviewing the four critical elements, we read through the definitions of English Learners Proficiency Levels: Beginning, Intermediate, and Advanced. We went over what each of these levels can and can't do, and what they need.

Then we went into a Language Assembly Task. After looking at photos of four different shoes, we wrote about them and then shared our writing. We shared out some entertaining ones, Sharon's brass heel, Mr. Morrison's cowboy boot etc...

We then went into some collaboration around "The Language of Schooling" discussing how we might be more explicit about our use of instructional questions.  By department we discussed what strengths and difficulties we have with SDAIE methodology.

We shared out some of our language functions and that was it!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Professional Development 2/22

Today we are sitting in the library for our PD.  Next Tuesday is the 7th grade writing assessment and the ET block will be 120 minutes.  Megan is offering up a writing lesson plan for ET.  She handed out a thick packet with a lesson plan, an article, and a say-mean-matter chart.  At first, I was thinking "why would I want to do a writing lesson with my ET?" but now that I see the content, my view has changed.  The article is about bullying and when it crosses the line from cruel to criminal.  I do plan to use this article in my ET next Tuesday, maybe not in the exact lesson plan form that Megan is offering but I do believe a discussion and short writing exercise would be beneficial to my ET.  I think that our students have strong opinions about bullying and what constitutes bullying and they need to share those opinions and hear about options for reacting to bullying. 

Some teachers are concerned about how students will react to bullying and that it may lead to suicide.  Other teachers are expressing their opinion that as a school we need to talk about bullying and how students may react to this.  My opinion - which I am going to share since I am blogging - is that talking about things is a great way to help students in a general manner.  Students can find out answers to their questions, dispel beliefs, and realize that others feel the same way.  The article is about Phoebe Prince and the 9 students who bullied her until she decided to commit suicide.  This is a horrific story and upon further review, the content of the article is good, but I'm not sure that it is a perfect article for my ET.

 We are waiting for the 7th grade teachers.  still waiting.......we waited 15 minutes for the meeting to resume.  Apparently, we have a full agenda and now we must rush through it.

Now, we are getting certificates for students that have improved on CSTs over the past 2 years.  We are getting a lot of points for students who move from FBB to B.  Next we moved into departments and Megan is handing out a list of students who are very close to moving up a band on CSTs.  We are supposed to choose some students as a focus group during our instruction.  I have a confession - I got bored during the transition of passing out papers and I took a walk around the hallways and I visited Ms. Gonzalez in the main office.  It made me realize that if I was a student and there was down time, I would probably act out because what else is there to do?

Ms. Gonnella is handing out the new staffing ratios for 2011-2012 - AWESOME!!  To break it down for you - class size is going to 38.5 each.  We will share Patty Granados with another middle school.  Counseling ratios will increase to 1000:1 for each counselor.  Negative outlook - the next year will be even worse financially!!  How is that possible, you ask?  I have no idea!  We will lose 2 regular staffed positions to lower our count to 27.  Our projected enrollment for next year is lower than this year.  We need to publicized this information.  I am now even more distraught than I thought possible.  Thanks for listening.....

Robin Nagle


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

SDAIE part deux - Title III Access to Core

Brief Announcements - Kathy Gonnella
Everyone met in the library and sat with their primary department.
Kathy welcomed our new SDC teacher, Mr. Oliden.
Ms. Branch, Mr. Perez, Doc Saxon, and one more were mugged and congratulated for their perfect attendance last month.
Kathy passed out a budget showing the categorical budgets for this year. There will be substantial cuts for next year's budget so staff is being asked for feedback on which items can be cut and which are the last to go. We will not have the federal stimulus money, approximately $126,000. This year those funds were used for a CSR teacher in math and the library aide. I hope people really do let Kathy know what their most important items are.

SDAIE - Meghan Schooler
Reviewed long range goals - SDAIE as an organic part of our teaching
Today's Objectives-

1- Learn the components of the Universal Access/SDAIE Lesson Design Template
2- Look at a sample lesson to identify the four critical elements of SDAIE.

We were asked to discuss attempts at infusing SDAIE into lessons during last week. I'm sitting with science and Heather and Robin shared that they had students use realia to build atoms (Bohr models). Both teachers have a huge range of abilities in their students groups and the good lesson was successful across the board.

We did the Four Critical Elements Sort - good for Heather because they are starting classification in her 7th grade class.
Content - Connections - Comprehensibility - Interaction
We put examples (tree map) under the correct (some flow between answers) element. Science is working in 2 groups because they have all these extra folks like me. In between the activity, there was a lot of specific talk on lessons since we have 7th and 8th grade at this table. Our table got the "right" answers because we are good test takers (or because we are crazy competitive). We also have a table full of folks who have done Thinking Maps, and other trainings to make access to the curriculum a done deal.

Steps in a well-designed lesson plan? We did the 5 Es. Engage, Explore, Explain, something related to practice that starts with an E, Evaluate. The full group added examples that they personally use(d).
Going to look at the CALLA Handbook on lesson plans. Basically, the form has the teacher focus on the What and How of the lesson. One big difference with this plan is that you have 2 Objectives - Content and Language. I personally think the language objective and SDAIE Vocabulary part is a good add. This form has you think of SDAIE as you plan. I like it. It will make you remember where your kids are and where they need to go. A plan like this goes into depth and that is not what the SPAs require with students who learn at a different pace than the magical ones that all curricular decisions at the district level are based upon. I know tha is an awful sentence.

SDAIE Element: Content
Looked at the GRAPES model in social studies (Ghana and Mali). We're taking a standard and seeing how to build the lesson and where more input is needed for our SDAIE kids. Took the standard and highlighted the important bits to capture the BIG idea.
I noticed that Elvia had a great UTLA sweatshirt, probably because I'm getting cold. Robin mentioned that I have one on my chair but Elvia's is better.
Looked at a completed lesson plan for this standard. I wish I had my reading glasses. Everyone wants to know what a FLEE map is. Meghan has a sample on the wall. Meghan asked if there were parts in the lesson plan that were new. Folks thought the EL components, Language Forms really make things explicit for the kids.
We are going to look at some tools, different graphic organizers.
We are going to go over the Narrated Pictorial Input Chart (Whew) This one has a script. I'm kinda complaining about writing the script. I understand the use, making sure you cover all the parts but man oh man. Many of us use bullets and notes, not an entire script.

We listened to the story (Ghana). We modeled how to discuss the story and fill in the FLEE chart. Make sure sentences complete, model language. Question specifics, like, "Who is the they?" I asked how to get kids to care about these types of stories and Noriko gave us an example of a background activity to build prior experience and interest. For example, kids are Berbers, traders, middle men. Then they hear the Narrative and are more interested. My table agreed that using the narrative pictorial as an assessment might be pretty cool. Tech could be nice for this as well.

We talked about using the document camera for the narrative pictorial. Robin and Heather shared their Pangea idea to have graham crackers for Pangea and frosting for ice. Animal crackers have to migrate or perish. So this would be an evaluative narrative. We talked about word walls and other lesson ideas.

People seems to be taking about their kids and how they scaffold, sharing ideas. it would be nice to actually have time to build lessons within departments. Nice to have things drawn and stuck on the wall as well as on the computer.

Reviewed the objectives from today's session.
Next steps: Closer look at language objectives and...sorry, not quick enough. You can go to Emerson's webpage http:/www.emersonms.org -> Teachers -> Ms. Schooler -> and find resources.

Friday, February 11, 2011

PD minimum day

The end of a long day and week... We met in the library.

Kathy started by talking about the modernization meeting. Alternate plans are being considered and she thanked all who attended.

We then heard about safety issues for our students and appropriate behavior. Safety first!!! These issues will be addressed with students next week at discipline, I mean positive behavior talks.

With additional changes being made in the master, Ms. Glazener has been displaced. :( She will be available to sub and will be working on that credential!

IDEC is starting so there will a couple new students.

Monday for the start of the semester we need to take roll on paper rosters and online. Keep accurate attendance.

We then were dismissed to help out with the eighth grade dance or to work in our rooms and enhance our learning environments.

Posted via Nakada's new phone... no, I wasn't texting during the meeting, I was taking notes and blogging!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

SDAIE Round One!

February 8th, 2011
Blogger: Heather

We are all gathered in the library for the first of three SDAIE methods presentations by Ms. Schooler.  Noriko briefly showed her blog and asked if anyone wanted to be the blogger, but no one volunteered (except me) so here I am doing it again.  We are suddenly quiet since we are to answer a half sheet questionnaire. Meghan keeps reminding us that this is district mandated training.  People are kind of noisy, especially since they have been given candy to open.

Meghan is reviewing norms for collaboration and now the meeting standards.  Our goal is to understand SDAIE at the school and in the district. Apparently our goal is to be consistent with each other and within the district in how we implement SDAIE and to better communicate that.  Today we will look at achievement data and develop a common definition and language for SDAIE here at the school, no matter what it was called when you first learned about it. Meghan is telling us that she is paid for out of federal money and not out of our budget to try to explain what she does.  For AYP all subgroups must meet certain criteria. For EL students most of the criteria are about doing well on the CELDT, but of course one of the criteria is being proficient on the CST and that is where we fall down.  Charts make my eyes hurt. Thankfully, Meghan is passing one out on paper which makes it better, but not good.

We are a loud bunch. Even as we make progress and improve our students' performances on the tests, the government keeps raising the bar for what counts as "proficient". According to the chart, ELs do worse than everyone except special education.  The chart showing the goal going up every year is depressing and we need to address the fairness and reasonableness of the goal, but at a later time.  In math, EL students do reasonably well, scoring only slightly lower than other students. Now we are supposed to use "accountable talk" to talk to our peers about the charts I guess. Now we have to listen the the four tenets. There are a lot of bullet points and buzz words in this powerpoint, but as yet no opportunities for me to improve my teaching.  Anyone who teaches EL students, even in PE, you should be using SDAIE methods.

Now we have to do a "quick write" as a self-reflection on whatever you know about the definition of SDAIE. Now we have to do a KWL chart on something, but there is much discussion about what to do it about and we have settled on spelunking.  SDAIE is not just good teaching, as good teaching may still leave EL students behind.  Now we are going to do a "jigsaw activity" to read an article on SDAIE.  Read and share, my favorite.  We are discussing the four critical elements of SDAIE (lots of things here come in fours). I know that we are mandated to hear this, but I have heard it all before and I don't feel like I am stretching myself like I would like to at PD.  Just to be clear, I blame this on the district not Meghan. I dislike PowerPoint slides where you can't actually see what is written. And now we get to watch a teacher engaging her students.  The video was probably a good example of SDAIE methods, but the woman was so squeaky and patronizing.  I was sure she was teaching kindergarten, but when I saw her students, I felt bad for them. There must be a way to teach EL students without sounding like that. I guess we have reached the end of the PD as we are reviewing our goals and modeling a way to end class with a think-pair-share activity.