Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Testing Day #1 PD

So, last week, we neglected to do the blog! Oh no! We spent that meeting being trained in how to test our students. Kathy Garner gave every ET teacher a packet with testing materials and we watched the CST prep movie.

Today we finished our first day of testing! Whooo hooo! Ice cream is inhibiting Noriko's ability to blog, so I am helping out for a few minutes.  We are clarifying what to do in the future when the students don't complete the CST in the allotted testing period and new procedures will be implemented tomorrow.  Kathy is imploring us to go to Pershing Square on Friday and take part in the state-wide action.  Teachers Unite! Oakes jumps in with some union related business (not on the agenda) that leads to comments (also not on the agenda).  Michele looks annoyed that she isn't yet talking, even though she is on the agenda.

Noriko's back. Still listening to union stuff for Friday's action. Cecily's fired up! Okay... so get out to Pershing Square Friday or else and there are other actions planned. Parents are heading there too so get there. Five minutes... still clarifying the action Friday. This is an AFL/CIO combined effort.

Michele let us know where we are headed today. We are starting in departments and then heading into grade level meetings. Michele also went over the PD for the rest of the week and really, the rest of the year. With that she sent us off to our department chair.

We are now meeting as a department, so you are only going to get the science perspective, but I am sure you will get a taste of what all these meetings are about.  First up - textbooks - we have ordered a few more textbooks and we will get the same two consumables (Interactive Reader and CST prep book).  Deciding on who will do what next year - chair, chemical safety, science fair, nutrition network.  Supplies - Robin is handling it.  This year we have very generous parents, so maybe throw up a couple Donor's Choose projects and get some special stuff you need. Robin is unanimously elected as department chair again (Yeah!!!!), Brian will do chemical safety, need a science fair point person to make rubrics, register the school and the students, have written instructions for projects.  There is a question about why we persist in doing the county science fair.  There is some discussion about whether we should go back to the old science fair project system, or keep this year's system with some tweaking and clarification. Garry Joseph will be the science fair point person.  There are still some things that need to be worked out, but we can meet more as a department and also build in more collaboration with other content teachers. Robin, Laura and I will meet to decide who gets the eighth grade science awards.  There is a lot of discussion about what should or shouldn't be allowed as a science fair project.  The students should have an opportunity to do the school science fair for low stakes before the county science fair. Brain and Heather and Robin will somehow work out nutrition network between us.

And now for something completely different.  We are meeting as eighth grade.  Robin is giving us the packet that includes the dates for eighth grade activities.  Parents will donate water, orange wedges and cookies for the runners for the mile run.  Lily, Laura and David Weiss are doing awards.  Forms will be distributed at the grade level PD next Tuesday.  Parents want to get snacks for teachers and kids who play in softball game.  Robin is looking for volunteers for the 8th grade dance, handing out yearbooks, chaperone, etc.  Now Robin wants volunteers to go as chaperones to Knott's Berry Farm on the PTSA trip.  All students may go, not just eligible students.  Noriko says that if we want UCLA, have to go on June 10.  Consensus on date.  Noriko will book UCLA, Heather will make a coverage schedule for students who stay behind, Noriko will talk to Dogtown Dogs, parents will be asked to donate supplemental food.  David Oakes and Carolyn are on top of culmination.  Heather will make a schedule for coverage of students and classes during culmination practice. Miss Mona and Ms. Branch will coordinate on flowers (daisies in pots, carnations to give out).  Lily is bringing up the appeals committee.  Who is on the committee and when will they meet?  Sorry, I am leaving a lot of stuff out so that I can write it on my paper.

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