ELA/ELD Schoology Support
How does Schoology work? Please follow the following steps to view a training video:
Google slide on ELA/ELD Schoology Support:
Schoology is the new system that will replace MiSiS as soon as full implementation has occurred...
Access...Includes a Course tab for PD's, a Group tab for collaboration, and a resources tab to create material for implementation
Groups is an open collaboration between admin and members
Courses will include you into a course for ELA/ELD training
To enter the coursework for Schoology, please follow the following:
- Go to lms.lausd.net
- Use your SSO to enter
- Go to courses on the top and click "join"
- enter the code for West 6B2KK-CJ87M
You can create groups or join a pre-created group by using a code given by the person that created a group. Use this website to be able to communicate with other teachers during PDs
Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
Universal Design for earning is a framework for implementing the concepts of Universal Access by providing equal opportunities to ALL students.
Helping students become expert learners...
- Purposeful & Motivated Learners
- Resourceful & Knowledgable Learners
- Strategic & Goal-Directed Learners
"Expert Learners know that learning is a continuous progress..."
Incorporate Multiple Means of Engagement...
- Options for self-regulation
- Options for sustaining effort & persistence
- Options for recruiting interest
Provide Multiple Means of Representation
- Options for comprehension
- Options for language, mathematical expressions & symbols
- Options for perception
Provide Multiple Means of Action & Expression
- Options for executive functions
- Options for expressive skills & fluency
- Options for physical action
This is not just for students with special needs but for all students!
UDL's 3 core concepts
- Learning Goals
- Learner Variability
- Context Environment
Change the environment, not the child...
Clear goals for learning with flexible means...
Variability is the rule, not the exception...
Essential for some, usable by all...
Think, Turn, Talk
How will UDL strengthen your ELA/ELD instruction?
Awesome! This is a very helpful outline, Ruth! - Lawrence