Today's goal is to make an X period decision. Robin N. Heather and Meghan are facilitating. Sorry, but this will be more like notes instead of a blog.
Quick straw poll - Keep intervention in X or somewhere else. Do the majority of us feel that X period is the place for intervention?
Yes intervention - 4
No - 22
X period in general - Do we like having an X period for enrichment?
Yes - 18
No - 11
For enrichment: We need to do enrichment and fun things like debate ( 1 voice)
No X: Too many kids wandering around, not enough kids in class doing what they are supposed to do. If well done, then we should do X. Other ideas, chance for teachers to do something different and fun for/with the kids. Kids who normally do not get electives get to do a non-academic class. That's a good thing. Also, the block of time at the end of day is good for all the pull out activities that we do, not messing with the academics. Allows kids to do a 3 year class if they like. Problem with X is that it is unfair, some kids do not get the fun class but get study hall or intervention. Concern about the loss of time in academic classes. We need more fun at Emerson. X brings new interest and students to Emerson. Enrichment and study hall do not have to be mutually exclusive. Can do both. Some would like to keep their kids but that changes the pool of kids that are left and doesn't take everyone into consideration.
New straw poll on X
Yes - 21
No - 8
Let's move to the discussion about how to make X more successful and the details, concerns.
- Can we make it pass/fail?
- Kids need to get into the classes that they want. WIll make it a better experience for all. Seems like a lot of kids aren't in classes they want and don't care. Teachers need to choose classes that kids will be excited about.
- Is pass/fail necessary? Doesn't a U mean the same?
- Moving X period earlier in the day may impact academic classes and will not work for study hall.
- Maybe having the fair is a better way to let kids sign up. Only about 45 kids don't get 1 of their 5 choices.
- Let 7th, 8th graders choose now.
- Keeping your X period kids lets the class develop and move further along. Some teachers are looking at X period as a course that grows and others as a 10 week one time.
- Teachers should be able to decide if they want multiple grades.
- When X was introduced, we were all going to teach an X, not just classroom teachers. Sizes too large.
- Need required projects, elective wheel?
- Poll the kids and see what classes they want. Then have teachers offer those choices.
- The kids who get intervention or study hall need the fun classes.
- Very little prep time for X and not enough supplies.
- First rotation of X keep 6th grade separate and get them used to middle school.
- Elective wheel will have 3. Don't have teachers to do an intervention elective.
- When we first talked of X period, it was something the teachers wanted to do.
Majority - Hold X period at the end of the day.
The group is discussing some ideas, issues about X. Much focus on study skills, test prep, anti bullying.
Consensus that X period will be enrichment.
For our block, X period days, do we want the same schedule that we have now? Can't lose more academic minutes. To save time...,let's do a straw poll.
X period shorter - 5
X period same - 17
X period longer - 2
Block schedule stays the same.
Those who want to meet on Monday after school to discuss ET are invited.
Let's look at ET time:
M, Tu, F = 37 minutes
W, Th = 45 minutes
Same number of minutes each ET - 21
Differing number of minutes ET - 9
Do we want a 39 minute ET all 5 days. Extra time to the academics. Consensus!
We'll make a paper schedule to look at.
Good job everyone. We have made some major decisions.
Signing off,